Do you need to upgrade your out of date or no working Intercom system ?
Did you got the ticket from building department because the not working intercom system ? If yes ,You are Go to the right place !!
This Project is for upgrading the out of date .not working intercom system to smart Aiphone GT Audio only intercom system located in Jamaica NY
Benefit of the Intercom system upgrade for multi-tenant building
Improved Communication between tenants and visitor
Intercom systems have been used to communication with tenant and visitor in a building for a long time . Intercom panel installed at front of the building or vestibule area make it easy for visitor to notice the tenant . the intercom system we installed in those building is easy to use .hands free .open voice system . no more buttons need to hold !
Control Access To the Stranger
To avoid leave door open , use an intercom system with door buzzer system to allow or deny access for the stranger or visitor without going down to the front . the tenant can press a button on the station to open the door.
Time Save and Money save
How many times you got ticket from building/s inspector because the not working intercom system ?
By LAW in NY the building must have two-way intercoms. If your apartment building was built or converted to a multiple dwelling after January 1, 1968, and it has eight or more apartments.
You will get multi ticket from Building department of NYC if you don’t have right intercom system.
And if your tenant have the victim of a crime because of a door that's unlocked due to a broken intercom system , The landlord could be held liable.
So fix your broken intercom system today with the right professional company!